“Sometimes life beats down and crushes the soul, and art reminds you that you have one”
― Stella Adler
The latest collage news and inspiration!
Substack, this here newsletter platform, offers paid subscriptions, but this is no paywall. We believe in making art accessible to the widest possible audience, and our newsletter will remain free for anyone to read. Opting for a paid subscription is a way to support the collective and all we do. So is signing up to our Artist Directory. Think about it :)
A fascinating counterpart to Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series from the 1940s–a signature installation at the Phillips–this exhibit examines Black American artists’ work in collage. It features pieces by 49 artists, including Derek Fordjour (below), Mark Bradford, Kerry James Marshall, and Kara Walker. - July Culture Guide: 45 Things to Do in the DC Area - via Washingtonian
“Collage gives me access to a visual dynamism born of rupture and collision,” Bunker said. “Over the years, I have become more at ease with uncertainty. Experimentation leads the way, and no material or medium is off limits.” - The Next Rising Art Stars, according to Tracey Emin, Frank Bowling, and Other Top Artists - via Artsy
The exhibition Fraenkenstein, on view at Fraenkel Gallery until August 10, is a collaboration between gallery founder Jeffrey Fraenkel and curator and writer Jordan Stein, of the San Francisco exhibition space Cushion Works. Bringing together an eclectic selection of photographs, collage, sculpture, painting, and film, the exhibition will take an expansive and incomplete look at fear, the unknown, the threat of technology, and the ways in which the Frankenstein story and its characters have moved through popular culture. - New Exhibition Highlights Frankenstein's Cultural Impact - via Juxtapoz
WORKSHOP: Whether using paper or fabric, collage has long been practiced by women, people of color, and those without access to a formal art education. In this class, we will examine the history of collage as an outsider art – how women and people of color used material at hand (paper and fabric scraps, for example) to create visual expressions that resonate powerfully today. Students will be asked to channel the spirit of these artists (many of whom remain unidentified) in creating their own works of art from the materials of daily life. The instructor will bring her expertise in history and collage to help students explore this vibrant and accessible art form. - Outsider Art: Collage as Self-Expression - via Denver Art Museum
The results of a collaboration between FRAMA, a multidisciplinary design brand based in Copenhagen, and British artist and designer Faye Toogood, Collage provided a rich conversation around natural materials and unadorned aesthetics. Bridging the link between new design launches and boundary-pushing design, Collage created a space for creativity, joy and the exchange of ideas. - Editor’s Picks: 10 highlights from 3 Days of Design 2024 - via Icon
WORKSHOP: This mixed media class will integrate visual storytelling into both sculpture and 2-dimensional collage. Students will create 2 dimensional pieces that relate a visual narrative. Artist Della Wells will share her techniques for making collages that tell a story using paper, fabric, ribbons, magazines cutouts etc. Participants will learn how to see beyond the materials to create a story-based collage. - Collage with Della Wells - via Kentuck
In Wild Trails to the Sea, a nature-loving adult narrates their hopes for a child: “I hope you see the goldfinches swoop and trace their hunting paths to treasure,” for instance, or “I hope you leap into the freezing waves and ride them onto shore.” Set in coastal Nova Scotia—the creators include a list of the actual places depicted—the text and illustrations show a variety of adults and children exploring coastal locales throughout the seasons. The text is often evocative and whimsical, an approach that could be lost on young readers. But together with the images, which are rendered in layered paper collage, it illuminates the breadth and wonder of the natural world. Everyone can imagine a snowflake landing on their nose, the rush of a salty wind, or the thrill of skipping a stone. - New Reads for Coastal Kids Are Packed with Fun and Facts - via Hakai
A selection of challenge submissions from last week is up on our website and can be seen here, the image prompt for next week is available to download here
Our 2024 Workbook is out and available for sale on our website. Our weekly creative challenge remains free and open to everyone and everything, digital or analog artists, French or not. The workbook is an optional add-on for those who prefer to work with paper and don’t want to print our images themselves. Like every year, the book is designed so that you can either take it apart or create your collages in the book itself. Week numbers and image sources are on the back of each image, so even if your books falls apart at one point, you will always know what’s what!
And last but not least, have a look at and/or submit to our ‘other’ Instagram account Paris Collage Collective Unlimited where we showcase collages that have absolutely nothing to do with our weekly creative challenge.
If you have any news about exhibitions, publications or events you want so share with the community, please send an email with all relevant information and at least one link to a website or venue to: hello@pariscollagecollective.com