“Art is what we call...the thing an artist does.
It's not the medium or the oil or the price or whether it hangs on a wall or you eat it. What matters, what makes it art, is that the person who made it overcame the resistance, ignored the voice of doubt and made something worth making. Something risky. Something human.
Art is not in the ...eye of the beholder. It's in the soul of the artist.”
― Seth Godin
The latest collage news and inspiration!
Substack, this here newsletter platform, offers paid subscriptions, but this is no paywall. We believe in making art accessible to the widest possible audience, and our newsletter will remain free for anyone to read. Opting for a paid subscription is a way to support the collective and all we do. So is signing up to our Artist Directory. Think about it :)
Kate Scuffle talks with artist Tim Higgins about his new exhibition 'Please Stand By,' which features his digital collage works depicting themes from comics, pulp fiction, television, film, and everyday life. Through the intricately designed pieces, Higgins encourages viewers to spend more time picking out the endless pieces that can be found in the art. - Art for Your Brain to Gnaw On with Tim Higgins - via WDIY
This is largely because it’s no ordinary coffee-table tome: A Handmade Assembly is a hardcover chronicle that features images of past exhibitions, collages, knitting patterns and even an image of a hammer, marked up paper doll-style, that encourages readers to rip the page out and fold the hammer into a 3-D paper tool. - Shuttered by the pandemic, craft conference A Handmade Assembly is immortalized as a coffee table book - via The Globe and Mail
In addition, Several artists do collage work. Look for Jaclyn Wright’s “Blaze Pink I,” an artwork combining pink color, circles and other shapes, and images of people. There’s a couple with a pink blindfold over their eyes and a man with a pink mask over his face. The piece seems to have an absurdist flavor. - ‘According to the Laws of Chance’ at Light Work explores the role of chance in photography - via Central Current
Painted by artist Leon Fenster, the collage at JW3 features hundreds of people, places and items connected to the history of Jewish London. Using his trademark use of wit and caricature, Fenster has managed to incorporate over 150 faces from Jewish fiction, legend, history and the business world. - Huge mural of London Jewish life unveiled at JW3 - via thejc
The connected isolation of this archipelago of subcultures doesn’t add up to the cohesion of society, but rather to a collage of juxtaposed normative claims that exist side-by-side in a perennially unsettled configuration. Classical canons, whether in music, literature or fine arts, like once prevailing ethnicities, religions or the social strictures of tradition, are now just another subculture no more privileged than the rest. - An Archipelago Of Subcultures - via NOEMA
A selection of challenge submissions from last week is up on our website and can be seen here, the image prompt for next week is available to download here
Our 2024 Workbook is out and available for sale on our website. Our weekly creative challenge remains free and open to everyone and everything, digital or analog artists, French or not. The workbook is an optional add-on for those who prefer to work with paper and don’t want to print our images themselves. Like every year, the book is designed so that you can either take it apart or create your collages in the book itself. Week numbers and image sources are on the back of each image, so even if your books falls apart at one point, you will always know what’s what!
And last but not least, have a look at and/or submit to our ‘other’ Instagram account Paris Collage Collective Unlimited where we showcase collages that have absolutely nothing to do with our weekly creative challenge.
If you have any news about exhibitions, publications or events you want so share with the community, please send an email with all relevant information and at least one link to a website or venue to: hello@pariscollagecollective.com