“When the artist is alive in any person, whatever his kind of work may be, he becomes an inventive, searching, daring, self-expressive creature. He becomes interesting to other people. He disturbs, upsets, enlightens, and opens ways for better understanding. Where those who are not artists are trying to close the book, he opens it and shows there are still more pages possible.”
― Robert Henri
The latest collage news and inspiration!
Substack, this here newsletter platform, offers paid subscriptions, but this is no paywall. We believe in making art accessible to the widest possible audience, and our newsletter will remain free for anyone to read. Opting for a paid subscription is a way to support the collective and all we do. So is signing up to our Artist Directory. Think about it :)
Because the Paris Olympics started today: The artist’s relationship with the Louvre runs deep, stemming from his memorable, monumental intervention of 2016, in which he covered the Pritzker Prize-winning architect I. M. Pei’s glass pyramid with a gigantic black-and-white photographic collage that made it appear to disappear. Then, in 2019, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Louvre Pyramid, JR created another massive optical illusion, The Secret of the Great Pyramid, making the same pyramid emerge from inside a deep crater apparently excavated in the surrounding ground. True to JR’s style, the artwork was created with the help of collective action by thousands of local volunteers and was ephemeral and temporary: visitors were invited to walk over the collage, gradually destroying it, symbolizing the impermanence of art. By the end of the weekend, the piece was almost entirely worn away and then removed, leaving just great pictures as its memory. - For Artist JR, Carrying the Paris Olympic Flame into the Louvre Was an Emotional Experience - via Observer
Studio Marcus Kraft has collaborated with renowned illustrator Bráulio Amado on the Zürcher Theater Spektakel 2024 campaign, which uses expressive, photocopied collages with images from the invited international productions. - Studio Marcus Kraft and Bráulio Amado design Zürcher Theater Spektakel’s 2024 campaign - via Creative Boom
Beyond her personal experience, these energised images reflect the overwhelming nature of our daily information consumption and the perpetual accessibility of internet culture. The interplay of text and images follows the constant flow of thoughts amidst a sea of information, altering the tone and intent of clichéd expressions. This hallucinatory experience is heightened by Park’s incorporation of collage and cut-out techniques to create drawings that are part-sculptural relief. Physically occupying space with us, these artworks engage us in a contemplative exploration of how mass media shapes and perpetuates cycles of idealisation and denigration in our collective consciousness. - Look, look.: Anna Park in Perth - via Juxtapoz
The opening room features large installations, hung on the walls. These collages have many juxtaposed layers of meaning which nudge and cajole the viewer to examine their own hidden biases and prejudices. Many refer to legacies and stories that have not had their moment of glory in the spotlight – that have not been afforded their own share of history. - There is Light Somewhere at the Hayward Gallery: an emotional exploration of history and belonging - via The Conversation
Ray Genereux, a talented collage artist based in New Bedford, MA, creates unique pieces that are perfect for weddings, birthdays, and other special occasions. - New Bedford artist is creating hand made memories for Southcoast residents - via New Bedford Guide
Eiko Ojala’s vivid illustrations possess a distinctive flair evocative of paper-cut assemblages and textural collage. Working with some of the most prominent publications in today’s media landscape, the artist creates visuals for editorial assignments that focus on a vast scope of current affairs. - Eiko Ojala Addresses the Complexities of Current Affairs with Layered Compositions - via Colossal
We reached out to Lola and asked her a few questions about her series of portraits. When asked how she initially became inspired to explore distortion and the manipulation of dimensions in her collages, the artist explained that she was inspired by many things, including specific artists: “Jean-Paul Goude and Hieronymus Bosch.” She also added: “Surrealism. Given. Renaissance art. Pre-Raphaelites.” - Artist Creates Unusual Pet Portraits Through Distortion, And Here Are Her 80 Best Works - via Bored Panda
5 DAY COLLAGE WORKSHOP: Take an experimental approach to combining paper, fabric and found materials with collage. Begin by producing a variety of patterned and layered papers using surface design techniques that are commonly applied to fabric such as batik, shibori, application of dyes and bleach, printing, stamping, and working with stencils. Next, make monoprints with Gelli plates on a variety of light weight papers and silk. Students will then be introduced to collage techniques combining their colorful papers with other found papers, fabrics, and recycled materials. Enjoy a playful and creative workshop and take home complex, unique works. All levels welcome. Hollie Heller. August 4 - 9, 2024. Williamsburg, MA. All Levels, Ages 18 year+ - Experimental Layers: Surface Design & Collage with Paper & Fabric - via Snowfarm
A selection of challenge submissions from last week is up on our website and can be seen here, the image prompt for next week is available to download here
Our 2024 Workbook is out and available for sale on our website. Our weekly creative challenge remains free and open to everyone and everything, digital or analog artists, French or not. The workbook is an optional add-on for those who prefer to work with paper and don’t want to print our images themselves. Like every year, the book is designed so that you can either take it apart or create your collages in the book itself. Week numbers and image sources are on the back of each image, so even if your books falls apart at one point, you will always know what’s what!
And last but not least, have a look at and/or submit to our ‘other’ Instagram account Paris Collage Collective Unlimited where we showcase collages that have absolutely nothing to do with our weekly creative challenge.
If you have any news about exhibitions, publications or events you want so share with the community, please send an email with all relevant information and at least one link to a website or venue to: hello@pariscollagecollective.com