“Creativity is more about taking the facts, fictions, and feelings we store away and finding new ways to connect them. What we're talking about here is metaphor. Metaphor is the lifeblood of all art, if it is not art itself. Metaphor is our vocabulary for connecting what we are experiencing now with what we have experienced before. It's not only how we express what we remember , it's how we interpret it - for ourselves and others.”
― Twyla Tharp
The latest collage news and inspiration!
Substack, this here newsletter platform, offers paid subscriptions, but this is no paywall. We believe in making art accessible to the widest possible audience, and our newsletter will remain free for anyone to read. Opting for a paid subscription is a way to support the collective and all we do. So is signing up to our Artist Directory. Think about it :)
With a huge delay, apologies, we’re happy to announce our Earth Day Open Call finalists and brochure. Thank you all so much for your participation!
“Eclectic Thoughts” showcases Russell’s original drawings, paintings, and collages and offers a glimpse into the mind of a creative visionary artist. His work, mostly rendered with Sharpie pens, includes many themes, from mandalas and “tower-temples” to mazes and geometric designs. Intricate and complicated, Russell uses bold abstract shapes and repetitive patterns to create mesmerizing pieces that demand the viewers’ time and attention. - LA Arts presents works by Lewiston artist Robert J. Russell - via Twin City Times
The art exhibition, titled “After Work,” features a diverse array of mixed media artworks created by staff members in their own time. The show features poetry, crochet, painting, photography, sewing, collage and other mediums. - Ukiah Library hosts mixed media art show featuring works by library staff - via The Mendocino Voice
Les Amis des Arts de la Région de Mornant vous donnent rendez-vous au Parc du Clos Fournereau pour leur dernier projet artistique collectif : Projet "Inside Out" de l'artiste J.R. Séance de mise en collage - JEP : collage festif du projet "Inside Out de JR" - via Monts du Lyonnais
Native de Lyon, Denise Collet, a travaillé en Lorraine avant de s’installer définitivement à Uzès en 1988. Un support, du papier, des ciseaux, de la colle, oui et alors ! Ces quatre éléments ne font pas une œuvre. C’est évidement l’esthétique et l’éthique qui forme la composition qui devient poème, musique, humour, et regard sur notre temps. - Collet Colle Collage - via Tourisme Gard
As the show’s curators explain, the artists exhibited in Multiplicity tend to use collage materials they have a personal connection to. In Delmez’s words, “Artists like Tay Butler and others in the exhibition use specific materials that speak to their own identity and lived experience. An avid amateur basketball player and lifelong fan, Butler cuts out figures from his collection of trade magazines like SLAM (an American basketball magazine that has run since 1994) to explore the complex role that professional sports often play in the lives of Black men.” - The Phillips Collection shines a light on Black American collage art - via stir world
We’re excited to delve into a variety of collage projects from our Official POP Community. Collage is a method of art-making that involves sticking and combining various different materials onto a singular backing. Our members have used the technique in both traditional analogue and contemporary digital ways, using everything from misprints and offcuts to found objects to create new and unique pieces. - POP Member Showcase | 13 Collage Artists - via People of Print
A selection of challenge submissions from last week is up on our website and can be seen here, the image prompt for next week is available to download here
Our 2024 Workbook is out and available for sale on our website. Our weekly creative challenge remains free and open to everyone and everything, digital or analog artists, French or not. The workbook is an optional add-on for those who prefer to work with paper and don’t want to print our images themselves. Like every year, the book is designed so that you can either take it apart or create your collages in the book itself. Week numbers and image sources are on the back of each image, so even if your books falls apart at one point, you will always know what’s what!
And last but not least, have a look at and/or submit to our ‘other’ Instagram account Paris Collage Collective Unlimited where we showcase collages that have absolutely nothing to do with our weekly creative challenge.
If you have any news about exhibitions, publications or events you want so share with the community, please send an email with all relevant information and at least one link to a website or venue to: hello@pariscollagecollective.com