“What you make doesn’t have to be witnessed, recorded, sold, or encased in glass for it to be a work of art. Through the ordinary state of being, we’re already creators in the most profound way, creating our experience of reality and composing the world we perceive.”
— Rick Rubin, The Creative Act
The latest collage news and inspiration!
Substack, this here newsletter platform, offers paid subscriptions, but this is no paywall. We believe in making art accessible to the widest possible audience, and our newsletter will remain free for anyone to read. Opting for a paid subscription is a way to support the collective and all we do. So is signing up to our Artist Directory. Think about it :)
We’re happy to announce the date for this month’s art-as-therapy online workshop in collaboration with Julia Volonts from Art Therapy Lab. It’s as always free to attend. All information below…
From Tuesday 5th to Saturday 30th September - PAPEL Gallery (Rome). Three artists take different paths, testing the versatility of a limitless technique.
Created in collaboration with the Argentine Collage Society (SAC), PAPEL Gallery and the artists: Mary A. Decuzzi, Marina Perals & Guadalupe Bustos
Berlinage, a new collage residency in the making: Berlin Collage Residency - more information here
Yusuf describes his own distinctive style as a mix of surrealism, pop and figurative art. An introspective artist, he also sees his collage work as a version of journaling, albeit one done publicly, and shared in a way that might connect others with similar ideas or experiences. “It creates that kind of open conversation and a community,” he said - Why this artist won’t quit on Lagos - via CNN
In the arts, collage works the same way. An artist brings together a variety of sometimes disparate elements to spark memories, associations and surprising connections for the viewer. And you guessed it: There’s a whole lot of collaged art on view right now, revealing how the technique can manifest across different mediums - ArtSEA: A playful barrage of collage at Seattle arts spaces - via Crosscut
Today, art no longer settles on a single meaning, but instead functions as a way to capture new meanings. In this way, Korean painter Heejoon Lee compares his work to a kind of “platform.” Rather than anchoring in a single idea, his abstract oil and photo collage works place viewers into a pictorial space built through experiments that can mobilize their own experiences, memories, and knowledge. Lee’s works create new meanings through their interactions with the viewer - Heejoon Lee’s Abstract Paintings Create New Encounters with the Urban Environment - via artsy
Feibelman’s three high-contrast cut paper collages were the antidote to my waning interest in the fair’s slim pickings. Each of the collages were made up from bits of free-hand cut Stonehenge paper detritus from larger works that are arranged like a mind-map or idea web of past, current, and future projects. Study-sized weavings, skeletal cuts, bent arches, stencils, patterns, foldable models, and inlays are delightfully arranged into larger compositions that flicker between two- and three-dimensional - Moments of Glory at Art on Paper - via Hyperallergic
PCC: A selection of challenge submissions from last week is up on our website and can be seen here, the image prompt for next week is available to download here
If you have any news about exhibitions, publications or events you want so share with the community, please send an email with all relevant information and at least one link to a website or venue to: hello@pariscollagecollective.com