“What strikes me is the fact that in our society, art has become something which is related only to objects and not to individuals, or to life. That art is something which is specialized or which is done by experts who are artists. But couldn't everyone's life become a work of art? Why should the lamp or the house be an art object, but not our life?”
― Michel Foucault
The latest collage news and inspiration!
Substack, this here newsletter platform, offers paid subscriptions, but this is no paywall. We believe in making art accessible to the widest possible audience, and our newsletter will remain free for anyone to read. Opting for a paid subscription is a way to support the collective and all we do. So is signing up to our Artist Directory. Think about it :)
The CONTEMPORARY COLLAGE AWARDS 2024 dealine has been extended! You have two more weeks to apply, and you can use the code CCAWARDS2024 for a 10% discount. All information here!
A unifying way to view my work is through the lens of collage and its properties: the constant layering and overlapping of (competing) materials, or the act of finding wholeness in disparate parts. Whether I’m working in paint, clay or fabric, the medium presents a creative challenge to my imagination as I stay open to discovery and the role of chance. Because I want the process to be a part of my work, the viewer will always find an interaction between what came before and what comes after — in other words, with the history of the making. - Frankie Slaughter - via Women Create
EXHIBITION PARIS: a street art exhibition with more than 100 artists is opening at the Crypte of la Madeleine today, on show until September 22th. More info via Galerie Roussard
EXHIBITION LEWES, EAST SUSSEX with collage art by Becky Gough
EXHIBITION MADRID: international collage exhibition organised by Laboratorio de Collage de Madrid. All information here!
Mitch Mantle is an artist from Southern Utah who now lives and works in Arizona. His large-scale, vibrant paintings are layered and often incorporate unexpected moments of collage and exuberant mark making, creating dreamlike scenes of personal narratives translated through a universal lens. - Modern West Showcases Two-Person Exhibition "In Dialogue" with Fidalis Buehler and Mitch Mantle - via Juxtapoz
EXHIBITION REPTON, SOUTH DERBYSHIRE: solo exhibition of collages by Mark Watkins. All info here!
The California collage artist trots into the knotty depths of human experience through the subtlest of details, like how the drapes and shadows of a green ribbed sweater convey disarmingly complex emotions difficult to express in words. - YoYo Lander Mines Infinite Meaning From a Sweater’s Folds - via Surface
The handcrafted collages are the result of hundreds of trial-and-error designs, with ad agency Lola MullenLowe Madrid seeking the perfect compositions. - Ad of the Day: Handcrafted Cornetto posters are a collage of summer - via The Drum
A selection of challenge submissions from last week is up on our website and can be seen here, the image prompt for next week is available to download here
Our 2024 Workbook is out and available for sale on our website. Our weekly creative challenge remains free and open to everyone and everything, digital or analog artists, French or not. The workbook is an optional add-on for those who prefer to work with paper and don’t want to print our images themselves. Like every year, the book is designed so that you can either take it apart or create your collages in the book itself. Week numbers and image sources are on the back of each image, so even if your books falls apart at one point, you will always know what’s what!
And last but not least, have a look at and/or submit to our ‘other’ Instagram account Paris Collage Collective Unlimited where we showcase collages that have absolutely nothing to do with our weekly creative challenge.
If you have any news about exhibitions, publications or events you want so share with the community, please send an email with all relevant information and at least one link to a website or venue to: hello@pariscollagecollective.com